Saturday Morning

Saturday Morning

We have no plans today. Saturdays are usually spent running around like headless chooks, with activities, sports, parties - the usual. Jen H...
Australian Autumn 2013

Australian Autumn 2013

We’ve finally been blessed with some glorious Autumnal weather. Clear blue skies. Pleasant days. Cool evenings. The colours of autum...
Chicken Macadamia Stir-Fry with Noodles {RECIPE + GIVEAWAY CLOSED}

Chicken Macadamia Stir-Fry with Noodles {RECIPE + GIVEAWAY CLOSED}

GIVEAWAY CLOSED - Winner: Shez The other week, I received an email asking if I’d be interested in cooking with Suncoast Gold Macadamia ...
Best Ever Applique Sampler from Piece O'Cake Designs {Book Review}

Best Ever Applique Sampler from Piece O'Cake Designs {Book Review}

Best Ever Applique Sampler from Piece O'Cake Designs by Becky Goldsmith and Linda Jenkis is a welcome addition to my quilt book librar...
Colour Swap

Colour Swap

It was a fabulous mail week for me, last week. I ordered a few things during the Click Frenzy sale and my lovely parcels arrived only days ...
STITCHING: To My Other Mother  {Tutorial + Pattern}

STITCHING: To My Other Mother {Tutorial + Pattern}

Last year, I made this stitchery and gave it to my mother in law, for mothers day. You can read more about it here . It’s a lovely poe...
The Story of Me {Day 1}

The Story of Me {Day 1}

Story Of My Life is hosting a fun May challenge, which I’ve been enjoying learning more about my blogging friends, and so thought, why not...
My Creative Space - Applique

My Creative Space - Applique

My Creative Space has been centered around appliqué this past week. I'm practicing needle turn appliqué. Like anything else really, the...