Follow the Leader (Modern Quilt A Long)

Follow the Leader (Modern Quilt A Long)

The Modern Blocks Quilt A Long is here! After a lot of chatter among the ASWC crew, we're all very excited to begin our #ModernQAL ...
Building a House {2nd Month}

Building a House {2nd Month}

** House Progress Post ** Well it’s been an exciting month in the Samelia’s Mum House build. I should really be calling it the Samelia’...
DIY: Make a Pressing Board

DIY: Make a Pressing Board

Today, I’m sharing my method of making a pressing board. I love it so much, that I think I may never use my ironing board, ever again! It’s...
Fave Five - Childhood Television Shows

Fave Five - Childhood Television Shows

I was a child of the 1980’s. I loved bubble skirts, fluoro socks and New Kids on the Block. I used to fluff up my fringe (like Ef...
Dreaming in Colour

Dreaming in Colour

I should be productive, this I know for fact. Yet, I've been distracted by Pinterest and Design-Seed this evening. Dreaming of my fut...
Swapping with friends

Swapping with friends

This past month, I joined a bunch of crafty ladies in a colour swap, hosted by Cheryll of the Stitching Cubbyhole Blog (http://stitchingcubb...
Modern Blocks {Review}

Modern Blocks {Review}

99 Modern Quilt Blocks from your favourite designers Compiled by Susanne Woods I love quilt books. My quilt book library is an ever g...
Modern Blocks QAL – Scraps

Modern Blocks QAL – Scraps

The Modern Blocks Quilt A Long is almost here. It starts next week and the ASWC crew, are excited! I shared how I plan to use fabric scrap...