Fave Five – Cakes {+ Linky}

Fave Five – Cakes {+ Linky}

Cake. Sweet. Delicious. It’s hard to find a person who doesn’t like cake, right? Here are my Fave Five Cakes: (Click the images ...
Autumn Cinnamon Scrolls {Recipe}

Autumn Cinnamon Scrolls {Recipe}

With the cooler weather finally here, we are drawn to warm, comforting food. For me, cinnamon always reminds me of autumn, so today, we wer...
The biggest, ever!

The biggest, ever!

It's official. My Boho Star Quilt is the biggest quilt I've ever made. Measuring 90" x 90" I don't have the floor spac...
My Creative Space - Boho Edition

My Creative Space - Boho Edition

It's day 4 of the autumn school holidays and I decree it a pajama day... well a pajama morning anyways. We were supposed to be heading ...
Quilt Showcase

Quilt Showcase

I’ve received some lovely emails and messages recently, from people who have made projects with some of my Samelia’s Mum tutorials and patte...
Making Memories

Making Memories

I have wonderful memories of my grandmother baking bread. The first part of the process was putting on her head scarf. It was an ugly nav...
The Avalon Ladies Scrapbooking Society

The Avalon Ladies Scrapbooking Society

Reading. A love, which I rarely have time to partake in. But sometimes… a book comes into my life, which I am so taken with, that the love ...
Fave Five : Happy Spaces {+ Linky Party}

Fave Five : Happy Spaces {+ Linky Party}

Do you sometimes look at a photo of a space, or a room or a place and just sigh? Because it just makes you feel… happy? Beautiful places...