Rosalie's Cushions

With the threat of my sewing machines being unplugged and my sewing room being temporarily out of commission while it's painted in anticipation of our new plantation shutters installed this week - I raced to make a couple of new cushions for the couch. 

"More cushions?" I hear you ask. Why yes, I did.

Our couch has some cheap and ugly plain grey cushions which I bought from Kmart last year. They were only around $3, don't have zips, which means that the covers can't be removed to be washed. I ended up throwing 4 in the washing machine at once (that's all that would fit) and then laid them out in the back garden to dry. They ended up looking quite wonky and lumpy. 

I decided that I needed to make some quilted cushion covers that the wonky grey cushions would be used as the inserts.

I chose pretty Rosalie Dekker fabrics in a linen/cotton which I had been holding on to for years. After sandwiching with the pretty floral fabric, batting and ugly fabric in the back, I machine stitched some very rustic-looking lines.

I added a bunch of big stitch hand quilting in between the machine quilted lines using Aurifil 12wt thread in coordinating colours. It's a really lovely slow process and I quite like the dimpled effect.

I used an old Liberty Cotton fabric for the back of both cushions. I think they look great. My husband also must think they look great because after I'd placed them down for some photos, and turned my back momentarily, he came in from walking the dogs and sat right on them. 

Not beside them. ON THEM! Grumble, grumble, grrrr, grrrrr.


  1. Gorgeous cushions Anorina! I have a husband like that! And I had that Liberty fabric too, back in the day! Such a pretty design. I wish I had more Aurifil in that weight to hand quilt with. I have to buy it online and postage has become so prohibitive! I applied to be an Aurifil Artisan but I guess I'm too old for their liking! On a side note, I don't know if you realise but it seems 'Follow It' is focusing on showing an advertising banner when I click on the link to your blogpost in my email. Very, very annoying!

    1. It's tricky to find Aurifil thread in Australia and the postage is very expensive. Maybe you need a road trip to Torquay to stock up. Or perhaps you could try - if you're a prime member, it's free shipping (even international shipping).

      I'm sorry you didn't get into the Aurifil Artisan program. It's certainly a popular collaboration with quilters and I was very lucky to have been a part of it.

      I didn't realise you were getting an ad when you click through via - I haven't yet found a better solution since Bloglovin' stopped working.

  2. The hand quilting between the lines of machine stitching looks fabulous! Lovely cushions! Gail at the cozy quilter.

  3. If I make cushions for the couch when my husband would sit he would throw them on the floor he says they are in the way and doesn't want any at the places he sits. Yours are always so pretty

  4. They turned out beautifully. You will enjoy them, I'm sure.

    1. Thanks very much Debbie. I do love having lots of cushions on the couch. I find that it makes it more inviting.

  5. Great idea to make the covers. And what lovely choices of fabric. Thanks for sharing in my Sew and Tell party.

  6. Your cushions are lovely and I'm sure they have friends


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