Scrappy Strings Block {SHQAL}

Happy Scrappy Monday! Today's block in the Scrappiness is Happiness Quilt Along is the Scrappy Strings Block.

This was another enjoyable block to make - and super, SUPER quick.

The strings were sewn to some lightweight, non-fusible interfacing and then trimmed down to size. Best part of this block was that I used only scraps from making previous blocks in this QAL. No cutting into yardage was required.

Here's Lori Holt's Scrappy Strings Quilt, from her book, Scrappiness is Happiness. It's so scrappily fabulous!

The Scrappiness is Happiness book is by Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet and includes 32 Scrappy Quilts to make. It's available from the Fat Quarter Shop along with a huge variety of Lori Holt designed fabrics you can use to make this or any of her quilts. 

Here are a few links to the various bits and pieces:

Fat Quarter Shop

Bee Cross Stitch Fabric by Lori Holt

Scrappiness is Happiness Book

Scrappiness is Happiness Quilt Along


  1. i think this is going to be the solution for a panel I have for a tummy time quilt that needs to be a bit larger than the panel.
    thank you

  2. Very nice! I have made many blocks like this, or very similar to this. Such a great way to use little bits of fabric. I know your quilt is gonna be great. How can you go wrong?!


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