Improv Curve Quilt + OMG (January 2020)

Instead of trying to change our whole lives in those first few weeks of January, let's make this a 12 month plan of making constant improvements. 

I hope everyone had a lovely, relaxing and generally happy holiday season. The last month or so, hasn't really gone to plan for us, but here's hoping for a much better 2020.

I have a lot of plans bubbling away in the back of my mind for this online space. One thing which I'd like to get back into is sharing ideas, tutorials and even some patterns. 

Come back over the weekend to hear about a new monthly project which I've decided to call "Facing Fears" (though I might come up with a better title before then). Sounds a little bit frightening, right? Well don't be scared. It's all going to be a bit of fun.

I'm joining Elm Street Quilts for OMG (One Monthly Goal). After doing so well through the middle of 2019, life got too busy and I couldn't keep up with my sewing projects. 

This month, I'm working on this Improv Curves Quilt. Improvisational piecing has always been one of my fears (does this give you a little hint as to what I'm planning for 'Facing Fears'?). 

I find it much easier when things are measured and ordered, so I've steered away from this modern way of piecing projects. But it's a new year, so it's time to take small steps and trying new things.

I have more scraps of these solid prints to play with, so I'll keep at it until I have the quilt top finished to a good size.


  1. Fabulous quilt! I am eager to see what your "facing fears" project will be. I don't have sewing fears, I have snowy/slick mountain road fears and fear of heights.

    1. I think that if I lived where it snowed, I think I'd have snowy/slick mountain road fears too.

  2. The Improv quilt is looking good. Your piecing skills are really great. looking forward to seeing that quilt all finished.

  3. Your improv quilt is looking great. Looks like a fun way to use up your scrap solids. Facing Fears sounds intriguing. Good luck with your plans!

    1. Thank you so much. I hope I can keep up the steam through the whole year.

  4. When life got in the way, I made very small monthly goals and only posted 2-3 times per month. Your new project sounds fun.

    1. I like your thinking. Small and achievable goals to get the ball rolling and get the sew-jo back.

  5. Anorina, these curves are very nice. What a perky project
    I love your quote and I think that is the way to go. I am actually starting some of the same goals I set last year at this time.... and then I do not know what happened!!!!
    Push ups and planks and treadmilling. We have to stay strong so we can do all of the things

  6. I’m loving your quilt so far! Keep at it and good luck accomplishing your OMG! Happy 2020!

  7. your curved blocks look great..... always good to try out new things...

  8. Looking good! I might get inspired and try some improve too :)

  9. I have a hard time with improv too, not really a fear, just hard thing for me to accomplish.

  10. 2 of my goals for 2020 areto do more curves and try improv. So your project is very inspiring for me and fits nicely with facing MY fears . Good luck with your OMG

  11. Oh I really hope you do a tutuoial on these pieced curves! Love them so much. I'm a bit like you, having just branched out of the structured/ordered thing several years ago. It's sill not super easy for me, but I do love the results!

  12. Love this! Thanks for linking up to Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project!


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