It was about 6 years ago (ish) when I made this quilt. Actually, I made two quilts in this same style with a wonky block tutorial that I found online. I’d bought a bright FQ bundle from the Fat Quarter Shop and paired it with solid white to create these two kid-sized quilts. One quilt was finished and gifted to a friend when her baby girl was born. Her little girl started school this year! How time flies.

With this second quilt, I decided to try my hand at machine binding it. It was my first attempt at machine binding and I must admit… it wasn’t pretty.
I hated the result so put the quilt away and forgot about it. I recently re-discovered it while doing a bit of a tidy-up. Do you do that too? Find things in your sewing room when you tidy up? Mum was over so I gave her the task of un-picking the binding. She’s a woman who’s not shy of the seam ripper. And boy, she’s fast.
This was about 6 months ago. It then sat in a bag beside my sewing chair, waiting (patiently) for some attention.
Finally, after about 2 weeks of not sewing anything (crochet being my craft of choice this month), I thought sewing on a new binding was a great way to get back the sew-jo. Machine sewing the front and hand sewing the back kept me occupied over a couple of evenings. And I’m super pleased with a finish. It almost feels like a relief. I’m relieved that it’s finished and can go to it’s new home to be loved, cuddled, dragged around and enjoyed.

Now I have a bright happy rainbow quilt finished to gift a little girl and a "The Colours of the Rainbow" book by Amie Harper, to share with her mother.
This book is such fun and filled with recipes in colour theme. Every kid loves a rainbow, so it’s a great way to introduce a rainbow of fruit and veggies to fussy eaters. For example: Yellow = Corn Fritters / Red = Fluffy Raspberry Pancakes / Green = Mushy Pea Risotto / Orange = Sweet Potato Gnocchi.
Do you have any quilts that you’ve been meaning to fix or finish… but still haven’t?
Do you have any quilts that you’ve been meaning to fix or finish… but still haven’t?
How long have they been waiting?
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