OMG Quilts

OMG quilts are my new addiction.

What are OMG I hear you ask… well the OMG stands for Organic, Modern and Graphic. They all fall into 3:4 sizing with the smallest being 5” x 7” and the largest 40” x 60”.

I joined the OMG Quilts group on Facebook and have been inspired by all of the new quilts appearing to begin making my own. Honestly, I’m exactly sure if what I’ve made is correct and fits exactly into the criteria, but I’m having a whole lot of fun making them.

The first one I made is this one which as been designated as OMG #9.


OMG #9

OMG #9 - 1


It desperately needs a name, so I would love your suggestions.

This morning, after dropping children at school, I made the next size up OMG Quilt. This one measures 7” x 10” and I had such fun quilting it. It was an excuse to move away from my go-to stipple or straight lines and try something a little different.





I even had a go at ‘feather quilting’. Not the most even feathers, but gee it was fun. I think that’s part of the enjoyment of this quilt movement – even thought there are guidelines to size and form, there is a freeing aspect to it. A willingness to just have a go and see what we come up with.

This second quilt – is it a flower, or is it a tree? And by the way, it needs a name too. What do you think it looks like? Does a name scream out to you?

Visit OMG Quilts on Facebook for more details.


  1. The second one is definitely a dandelion. :) I'm new to quilting - when you do the complicated quilting pattern, are you using a programme on your machine?

  2. The first one could be pebbles in the stream and the second one The hummingbird.

  3. Wow I love this Anorina,your work is amazing,maybe you could call it Flight xx

  4. The first reminds me of footprints in the sand...they are lovely!

    1. I was going to say footprint in the water!

  5. your first quilt reminded me of a lava lamp - remember those?

  6. very clever... I love these...

  7. Your quilting on these little OMG quilts is amazing! What a great way to practice and try out new free motion quilting patterns/techiques! I can't think of any names for them but the top one kind of reminds me of two waves coming together with water bubbles between (I'm a scuba diver.)


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