Handmade Cover Girl

No, I’m not a model showing you the latest make up.

Rather, I’m a cover girl in Handmade Magazine. Woot! Woot!

Looky there in the bottom right corner of the magazine cover. Yes, that’s me!

A few months back, Handmade asked some questions and let me know they were going to write up a feature article. I was excited about it at the time… but it was months ago and I’d all but forgotten about it.

Well today, I got a lovely email from across the country, from my friend Shirley. She was congratulating me on the feature. Well you could have knocked me over with a feather.

I rushed out to my local store to get my hands on a copy of the magazine. And there I was, looking at myself on the front cover. How very surreal!

The kids were with me and were very excited to see a picture of mummy on the front of the magazine.

Sam wants to take it in for his “news time” at school. Finally, I may have impressed my son - ever so slightly.

If you want to have a little look, it’s now available - Handmade – Vol 30 No 7.

BTW – my latest project is ‘Oh Christmas Tree’. It’s that festive looking pillow also there on the page.


  1. Congratulations! I'm surprised they didn't send you a copy of the magazine!

  2. Congratulations Anorina. You should be very proud of yourself and the kids must be so excited. I'm only sorry that that magazine isn't sold here in Portugal.

  3. How cool!! Congratulations!!!

  4. Congratulations Anorina!! That's fantastic. I'll definitely have to grab a copy and have a read. Can you autograph it for me? ;-)

  5. Congrats Anorina!
    Can you please contact me at srocca2004@hotmail.com regarding the Name Game Swap round 2?

  6. Congratulations Anorina, what a great achievement!


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